Social Policy Concentration

Gain the quantitative, political, administrative and legal skills to analyze social needs and policy impact on human lives worldwide. You'll learn to monitor, evaluate, and communicate data to convey the consequences of policy development and implementation.

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GSPIA Core Classes (12 credits)

    Quantitative Methods
    Public Policy Analysis
    Capstone Seminar
Internship Requirement: All students must complete an approved internship of at least 300 hours while enrolled at GSPIA. The internship must be approved by the student’s career advisor in advance. Students with at least three years of relevant full‐time work experience may petition their career advisor for a waiver of this requirement during their first semester.

MPA Degree Core (9 credits)

    Administration of Public Affairs
    Program Evaluation
    Financial Management

Social Policy Major Courses (12 credits)

One of the following two courses:
    Race, Gender, Law, and Policy
    Economics of Social Policy
One of the following four courses (the course chosen above may NOT be counted twice):
    Race, Gender, Law, and Policy
    Economics of Social Policy
    City of White Supremacy
    Reparations: Policy, History and Theory
PIA 2--- SP Major Course
PIA 2--- SP Major Course

Free Electives/Minor Courses (15 credits)

PIA 2--- Elective/minor course
PIA 2--- Elective/minor course
PIA 2--- Elective/minor course
PIA 2--- Elective
PIA 2--- Elective