Huafang Li

Associate Professor

Huafang Li is an Assistant Professor of Public and Nonprofit Management. Previously, he was an assistant professor at Grand Valley State University (2017-2022). He received his PhD from Rutgers University. His dissertation Information and Donations was awarded the Public Management Research Association Best Dissertation Award in 2018. He is interested in public administration and nonprofit management. Currently, he focuses on using various methods to study public and nonprofit management, particularly how public and nonprofit organizations' information communication influences individual coproduction and giving decisions. His work appeared in Public Administration Review, Public Management Review, Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly, among other peer-reviewed journals.

Courses Taught

  •  PIA 2170 Management Non-profit Organizations

    Education & Training

  • PhD, Public Administration, Rutgers University
  • MA, Public Administration, American University
  • BA, Economics, Zhejiang University
  • Best Dissertation Award, Public Management Research Association, 2018