Paul J. Nelson


Working for 13 years as a policy analyst and research consultant for several non-governmental organizations, Nelson is an expert on economics and the developing world. Currently, his courses focus on development, human rights, NGOs, food security, and religion and development.

Recent Publications
  • Global Development and Human Rights: The Sustainable Development Goals and Beyond. University of Toronto Press, Insights Series, 2021.
  • Religious Voices in the Politics of International Development: Faith-Based NGOs and Political Mobilization. Palgrave/Macmillan, 2021.
  • “Who Practices Rights-Based Development? A Progress Report on Work at the Nexus of Human Rights and Development.” World Development, 104, 97-107, April 2018. (with Ellen Dorsey).
  • “Citizens, Consumers, Workers, Activists: Civil society during and after water privatization struggles.” Journal of Civil Society,13:2, 2017, 202-221.
  • Henry Luce Foundation, “Religious Voices in International Development,” $100,000, four year grant awarded 2008.
Research Interests
  • International development
  • NGOS and non-profits
  • Human rights, land, and water
  • Religion and development 
  • Food security