Students of Color Alliance (SOCA)

Our Mission

The mission of the Students of Color Alliance (SOCA) is to:

  1. Promote solidarity and fellowship by providing a safe, welcoming, and supportive space for the BIPOC community at GSPIA.
  2. Strengthen community and influence change by working with leadership to address concerns related to diversity, social justice, equity, and inclusiveness.
  3. Provide a safe environment to engage with our allies in honest dialogue about the daily challenges faced by BIPOC students in academic and professional settings.
Our Vision

The vision of SOCA is to create a decolonized school environment where all students feel respected, heard, and supported in school curriculum and programming.


We seek to collaborate with Pitt student organizations, GSPIA staff, faculty, and school leadership to create programming that includes speakers, workshops, and events that helps enrich the campus by fostering multicultural perspectives.

Students sitting on sidewalk

Our goal is to create a space where all GSPIA students of color are able to come together to support one another, have a sense of belonging and be their most authentic self.

Student on computer

We work to achieve measurable, and sustained impact in GSPIA school policy ensuring that BIPOC voices are amplified throughout the school system.


Community Building

SOCA received the inaugural Inclusion Award for Community Building from the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA). This inaugural award celebrates programs and efforts that deepen a sense of connection within the community, particularly those that bridged different groups.


Founding Executive Members – Caelan Hidalgo Schick (MPIA); Adriana Bowman (MPA);  Rhea Henry (MPA); I Younan An (MID); and Yeraldyn Pacheco (MPIA).

Current Executive Leadership Board:

  • Deborah Sike (MPIA- Human Security, Graduate Certificate in African Studies)
  • Mariam Moaz (MPIA- Security and Intelligence Studies)
  • Rianne Elsadig (MID)
  • Paola Ortoz Vargas (MID, Graduate Certificates in Latin American Social and Public Policy and Global Sustainable Development)

Connect with Us

Instagram: @soca_gspia